Holding History

Greenenergy Holding S.p.A.

The Holding with more than 35 year of experience and a total workforce of 155 employees is a technological innovation model for waste recovery and its transformation into a new resource.

The Holding was founded in 1986 with the legal name "Ecologia Bruscino". Over the years, the effort made by all the members of the Bruscino family and by the people who belonged to the original group have, with commitment and professionalism, improved and led the company where it is today. Then in 1990 "Ambiente" is born and quickly established itself as a reference point for solid waste management. Nine years later it became an SRF system and in 2016, the most technologically advanced and automated system in Europe.

In the same period, in which Ambiente specializes in selecting solid waste, PLANETARIA came to life. PLANETARIA began as transportation company but soon became indispensable thanks to a cutting-edge fleet of vehicles and equipment, and to its industrial cleaning and environmental remediation activities. (Specialized in enclosed areas or areas suspected of being contaminated.)

Our Numbers



Anno 2024

Quantity of selected/treated waste



Anno 2024

kW generated from renewable sources



Dall’anno 2022

TonCO2 saved



Media Anno 2024

No. of employees